The Story

Pieces from Museeum are holding a story of their crafts, captured in design. Handcrafted to enrich everyday life.

The founder

The interior design industry is home to Deike - she worked together with several furniture brands and always stuck to those whose philosophy was to develop products that are made by hand and where craftsmanship is cherished and crucial for a good product. For her, the only right way to produce something is to really let everyone in the supply chain benefit from what they do. Not only all humans but also the environment.

The founder

The philosophy

The purpose of Museeum is to seek out manufacturers and crafts from all over the world in a celebration of craftsmanship as it is today, returning visibility to real cultural treasures. Each item in the brand’s range pays tribute to the beauty of handmade products and the materials they use. The design style is classy, but with a modern twist. The design lines, however, strive for simplicity, allowing the materials and craftsmanship to come into their own and display their true characteristics. Every article in the Museeum range is produced in close liaison with manufacturers and materials suppliers to the very highest standards in each and every detail.

The philosophy